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My experience is not different from others but I have trained myself in such a way that I know a little about running now There is article published in the New York Times that how to start running , and plz consult your Dr before starting any physical activities.
Conquering, the height of the hill fills heart with proud and joy that makes life more meaningful. Beautifully, the Mother Nature is embracing her son with utmost care and love that can also be seen in the motherly look of such a mountainous escarpment. Though , the fortune blesses silently to individual , but , fewer does feel and receive the gift so gracefully.  It is true that achieving a goal, such as conquering the height of a hill, can bring a sense of pride and joy to one's heart, making life feel more meaningful. And when we look at the majestic beauty of the natural world, such as a mountainous escarpment, it is easy to see the care and love that Mother Nature has for her creations. However, it is important to remember that the blessings of fortune are not always distributed equally, and not everyone may have the same opportunities or abilities to achieve their goals. It is important to approach these achievements with humility and grace, and to remember that our accompl
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            What friendship does stand for in this era of internet?  The ultimate truth of life lies in the social mobility of human being that depends on living organisms in one way or another. Though friendship is worthy for everyone and is also helpful but it loses its strength when one of them starts thinking about self. Here comes breach of trust! Yes this breach of confidence leads to many psychological disorders of physiological structure of brain. That shared ideas, shared secrets and other latent sense of dependability which has been a spinal cord of that friendship, later become the most dangerous and offensive weapon against them. with regards ---

प्रकृति और हम : विरोध-आभास

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