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                            BOOKLET – 1 (UGC- English)
  Objective FACTS (Series 1)
   Early Period
 (Beginning to Early 1550)
·       Goethe defined literature “the humanization of the whole world”
·       In 450 coming of Saxons to England
·       Bede wrote Ecclesiastical History of the English People in 731
·       Weimer Classicism is a cultural and literary movement, the movement from 1772 until 1805 involved John Wolfgang von Goethe as German literary writer.
·       His first novel was The Sorrow of Young Werther
·       Anglo-Saxon literature ranges from 7th to 11th Centuries.
·       Anglo-Saxons were people who in habitated from Germanic Tribes. Anglo-Saxon periods denote the early settlement of British history until the Norman conquest, between about 450 and 1066.
·       Norman were from Scandinavia
·       Norman defeat the Anglo Saxon King in the battle of Hastings in 1066
·       Normans brought with them Chornicles
·       Anglo Saxon Poetry has been derived from Church
·       The main result of the victory of Normans over French as they lost their civilization
·       William , the duke of Normandy became the master of England beating the last of the Saxon Kings
·       The main outcome of the battle of the Hastings in 1066 was that it changed the civilization of whole nation
·       Chanson National Epic is also known as “Chanson de Roland”
·       Complete history of Britons was written by Geoffrey of Monmouth, who was a Welsh Monk
·       Battle of Hastings , Death of Edward and William of Normandy becomes the king in 1066
·       Advocate’s Library gives a complete picture of Normandy Literature
·       Merri Greenwood Men ballads were later collected into Geste of Robin Hood
·       Seven Wise Masters is a collection of French oriental tales
·       The Matter of Greece ,  is related to tales of Alexander
·       Alisoun is the melodious love song written at the end of 13th century
·       Rule of Achoresses  , an English prose written by Bishop Poore in 1225
·       Battle of Brunan was an English victory in 937 by the army of the Athelstan, King of England and his brother Edmund over the Scots.
·       Battle of Hastings was fought on 14th October 1066 between Norman French army an English Army under the Anglo Saxon King Harold II.
·       The battle of Lewes took place in 1264, conflict known as Second Baron’s War. War took place between Henry III and Simon de Manfort .
·       Henry II also known as Henry Curtmentle.( 1154-89)
·       Edward I reign 1272 to 1307 , was first son of Henry III
·       Cursor Mundi, a metrical romance was written in 1320
·       Edward III defeated the French at the Battle of Poitiers and battle of Crecy in 1336 and 1346. The Battle of Poitiers was a major battle between England and France, popularly known Hundred Years’ War.
·       Laurence Minot (1330-1352 ) , he belongs to patriotic versifier.
·       The first public school, Winchester College was established in 1373.
·         Peasant Revolt also known as Wat Tyler’s revolt was a major revolt of 1381. The problems generated by the black death in 1340. It estimated 75 to 200 million people died in Europe.
·       Fall of Constantinople, the capital of eastern Roman Empire (6th April -29th of May 1453.
·        Black Death 1348-49
·       Battle of Crecy was in 1346
·       Henry IV ascended the throne in 1399 to 1413
·       The war of roses was the series of dynastic wars of the throne of England. Between House of York and house of Lancaster (1455-1487)
·       Post Chaucerian period is known as 1400-1455
·       Edward III came to the throne in 1327.
·       Richard II came to the throne in 1377
·       East midland dialect became standard English (king’s English) by the time of Chaucer.
·       In war of Roses , roses stands for Houses.
·       Henry VII is also known as defender of the faith.
·       French had become official language after Norman conquest in 1066
·        Magna Carta in 1215
·       1340 , birth of Geoffrey Chaucer
·       1370 , Chaucer wrote Book of Duchess
·       1377 , Langland wrote Piers Plowmen
·       1400 , death of Chaucer and murder of Richard II
·       1415, Battle of Agincourt
·       William Caxton, History of troy, the First book in English in the year 1474-75.


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